Want to Build Your List Fast, Get More Clients in an Instant, and Create More Fun in Your Business at the Same Time?
I call Joint Venture Partnering a Must-Do strategy ... Even if you're already rocking it online. Getting famous through partners adds fuel to the fire of any other strategy you're using and amplifies the results.
Want to know more about why JVing has such an impact? Check out the quick tip JV video here.
Hi, I’m Tammy Lane and I love everything about partnering with amazing business owners to take our businesses to new levels together.
It wasn’t always that way though …
Have you ever attended an event and come away from it with a boat load of bills and not much else to show for it?
That's what used to happen to me too!
I'm not the type to flamboyantly walk into a room and “sell” everyone in the room on what I do – it’s way over the top for me! That’s why I’ve always hated networking and before this year I took it to mean that I really wouldn't see much results from events.
I love talking to people but I’ve always been anti-networking as it way too "salesy" to, me... YUCK!
That belief combined with my lack of a quick-results system for meeting potential partners at events meant I didn’t have anything to show (income-wise) from my attendance at a number of events.
I also tried and failed to create powerful joint venture partnerships online and in reality, it really does require you to meet in person to quickly develop the kind of relationships where your partners will go to the ends of the earth to support you.
My JVing dreams were crushed and I had written off joint venture partnering as a strategy that just wasn’t for me, until … I made the wise decision to attend the JV Experience Live Event last November.
When I hit the JV Experience Live Event (more on what that is in just a bit if you’re not already a member of the Joint Venture Insider Circle) last November I totally hit my stride with what some folks have called ease and grace.
That ease and grace actually helped me get better results than the “networkers” out there ... even though I don't "network"!!
In fact, last year at the JV Experience Event I secured partners that will earn me more than $200,000 of income this year alone!
Not only that, but these are partners who will continue working with me in the years to come, virtually guaranteeing my income in the upcoming months. Already sound wonderful to you?
The best part is, instead of “networking”, I leaned into relationships the same way I do when I meet actual real live people (Ha ha – I mean don’t you feel like some people who say they’re really good at networking talk at people they meet like they’re cardboard cutouts?).
That’s not comfortable for me at all and in fact my anti-networking worked better than I imagined!
If you’re still reading this, it probably means you don’t feel much like a “networker”, just like me …
And maybe you’re wondering what you’re actually going to get out of attending your next event and if it’s worth while going just for the content and training you could probably get online without spending a single dollar on airline tickets, hotel, meals, cab fare, etc.
That’s what I was thinking when I was charging up a storm on my credit card last year to attend yet another event.
But then, I did two things right. I picked the right event (THE JV Experience Live) and I decided I was going to do things differently this time …
And created a pretty easy system for making sure I could turn my “lean-in”, non-networking style into actual post-event income.
As I’ve mentioned, the results were pretty crazy but the best part was, I had the best time I’ve ever had at an event too!
Want me to show you exactly how I did it?
I’ve Put Together a Quick and Easy Plan That Will Allow You to
Join me at JV Faucet and you’ll:
- Get my entire pre-event strategy
- Have my personal help preparing your JV “pitch” (My pitch has been called “perfect” but some of the industry leaders and has had me featured on podcasts, calls and training programs.)
Imagine if you could earn tens (or hundreds!) of thousands of dollars in a matter of months … and have fun doing it. This program will give you the tools to do it.
Think about that. What it would feel like to finally have the support of 10, 20, or 30 people who really care about your success and actually put the pedal to the medal by sending you paying clients?
During our time together on four very small group calls, I’ll show you exactly how to do that and help you personally on the calls with YOUR pitch, YOUR JV card, and YOUR strategy to turn your next event into the income-producing, fun experience that will take you from struggling to limitless income.
During our time together on four very small group calls, I’ll show you exactly how to do that and help you personally on the calls with YOUR pitch, YOUR JV card, and YOUR strategy to turn your next event into the income-producing, fun experience that will take you from struggling to limitless income.
Three days.
Three days to set you up on a lifelong path of prosperity and freedom.
Three days to finally having the business you dreamed of having.
It’s possible. And it’s worth it!
Let’s do this!
Tickets (& Bonuses)
Register by September 15 and pay a special Early Bird rate of just $297!
After that date, the ticket price will rise to $497, and it won’t include all of the bonuses. That’s still a bargain, but why not save while you can?
Never before have I offered all of my expertise to such a small group, at such a low price.
I’m been asked why I would charge such a low fee for my programs. The answer is simple – I want you to WIN. Eliminating the noise and creating a simple strategy for bringing in clients automatically is THE best way to maximize your profits quickly, and that helps me fulfill my mission to create more profitable businesses that can change the world.
I know you can be successful beyond your wildest dreams… you just need to get the right guidance and the right strategies in the right order and I’m going to give them to you.
Act Fast Bonus!
With your paid registration, you’ll also receive some amazing bonus offers, worth more than $4,000, completely FREE! They’ll enhance every single thing you’ll learn with JV FAUCET!
Ticket to The Best JV Event on the Planet (The JV Experience Live) – a $997 Value
This is the very same event I attended last November and turned into $200,000 of income this year. The one I paid $2,000 for the chance to attend!
And I’m going to give tickets to the first 10 people to register … for FREE!
Pre-Event JV Faucet LIVE – a $197 Value
Get the word out about the incredible work you do before the event! JV Faucet LIVE is an in-person gathering right before the JVX event starts.
Meet a small group of dedicated business owners ahead of everyone else at this intimate event, recommend each other at the main event and it will seem that everyone is talking about you – building incredible momentum for you to connect with the perfect partners.
You’ll join me in my event suite for this private gathering where I’ll connect you with a kick-ass group of potential clients and partners in a fun and relaxed way!
You’ll practice your pitch in this fun supportive environment and I’ll help you tweak it for your perfect pitch so that right from day 1 of JVX (and every other event you’ll attend.)
New event outfit $150, hotel $149 a night, travel $500, knowing you’re going to nail your pitch and make it all worth while … PRICELESS!
Want Me to Mail My List About You? – Thousands
Join me in JV Faucet, create magic at JVX, do your first or next launch and I will share your success story with my list with a chance for you to promote your offer.
Join the After After Party – Priceless
Tammy to add copy
You're spending thousands of dollars to come to JVX ...
Do you want to make sure you have something to show for your investment?
Within 6 months of last year’s JVX event I turned my attendance at JVX into more than $100,000 of clients and I’m on track for about $200,000 from my JVX relationships. I want to show you how you can come away with a huge return on your investment too!
If you want to play with people over the long term after JVX there are four specific steps to take that will practically guarantee you'll come away with more business in the following months.
We’ll have four intimate calls where I’ll show you:
- Perfect Your Pitch
Having a great pitch is the basis of any success
Rule Your Opportunities
Niche circles
Be seen by the entire audience - 1 minute pitch, program name feedback, VIP
- JV Cards
- Pre-event Momentum Building
Get known & get partners
- At Event Strategy
P.S. I've been talking a lot about money because I know if you're not making a ton of revenue yet that might, be your first priority…
But one of the best thing about meeting so many amazing partners all in one place is the ongoing friendships, collaboration and downright fun I've been having since then!
In JV Faucet I'm going to give you everything you need to secure a year's worth of income by attending just one event; just like I did!
There are just four things you need to do before the event and two things during it to make sure you launch your income on the months following.
Come hangout with me and let me introduce you to the partners that will change your business forever.